Born in Nicosia, Cyprus in 1987, Tonia started studying art at an early age, showing great promise and receiving several awards and scholarships along the way. She was accepted in Athens School of Fine Arts in 2006 where she completed her bachelors in Fine Arts majoring in Sculpture. Tonia then moved to Scotland when she was offered a MFA in contemporary arts-practice by Edinburgh College of Art. After successfully completing her masters in 2013 she has embarked on residencies in Belgium with Glo'Art foundation and in Scotland with the RSA scheme. She has exhibited work in Cyprus, Greece, England, Slovakia, Scotland and Belgium and has been commissioned for work by private and public art collectors in Scotland and abroad. Tonia is now a freelance visual artist and tutor.

MFA in Contemporary Arts – Practice, Edinburgh College of Art, full time,  2011-2013

Bachelors in Fine Arts - Integrated Masters, Athens School of Fine Arts, Greece, full time, 2006-2011

Cyprus Ministry of Education and Culture’s Teacher Training Diploma, University of Cyprus, Nicosia-Cyprus, 2020-2021

Awards and Residencies
RSA Residency, Scotland, 2014

Glo'Art residency, Belgium, 2013

A.G. Leventis Foundation Scholarship, 2012

Panayiotis and Effie Micheli Foundation Scholarship, 2011

Selected Exhibitions

2018 - Reclaiming the roof, Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation, Nicosia-Cyprus.

2017 - Metamorphosis - Syn Festival, Out of the Blue Drill hall, Edinburgh-Scotland

2016 - Flaubert Summer Exhibition, Edinburgh-Scotland

2014 - Syn/Συν Festival, Teviot Row House, Edinburgh-Scotland

2012 - Lush Art in Austere Times, IsNotGallery, Nicosia-Cyprus

2012 - Sculpture and Object XVII, Dom Umenia - House of Art, Bratislava-Slovakia

2012 - Two, Royal College of Art, London, U.K.

2010 - A3, The Factory, Athens-Greece

2010 - Eco Festival, Athens-Greece

2009 - Visual Intermission/Alsos Pankratiou - sculpture workshop & group exhibition, Athens-Greece

2008 -Delphi International Sculpture Workshop, ASFA Annex, Athens-Greece

Collections and Commissions

Smiling Donkey, public art platform, Nicosia-Cyprus

Demogorgon, prop and set design for The Pop Up Geeks, Edinburgh-Scotland

Woman, Glo'Art Global Art Center, Neerharen-Lanaken, Belgium

Censor, Glo'Art Global Art Center, Neerharen-Lanaken, Belgium

Minotaur, Masterpiece Fine Art – Myles McCormick, Edinburgh-Scotland

Inner Thoughts, Flaubert Gallery, Edinburgh-Scotland
